
Lucky Seats Lotteries

Welcome to site that increases your chances to win Broadway Lottery tickets

I have won hundreds of Broadway lottery tickets by tediously searching the web and entering daily.  I have simplified this process by creating a single Broadway Lottery Tickets page that links to all open Lotteries so my family, friends and now you can enjoy the enchantment of Broadway, just like I have, and countless other theater aficionados have for years.

What is a Broadway Lottery?

A Broadway lottery is a promotional event held by theaters to offer discounted tickets through a random drawing. It makes Broadway shows more affordable and accessible to a wider audience, providing a chance to win reduced-price tickets for popular productions. For more information, be sure to explore my blog post, Broadway Lotteries: What Are They and How to Enter.

If you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to reach out via email at bradford@borninthecity.com.

Wishing you the best of luck as you embark on a journey to enjoy some truly remarkable Broadway shows.

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